Stories > by latest

  • 1:57
    Still from Under the Bridge

    Under the Bridge
    Terryl Bacon
    What happens when you cross Pero’s Bridge?
  • 2:01
    Still from Truth

    Paddy Uglow
    A story about a spiritual journey, ending in Bristol.
  • 1:08
    Still from Through the eye of my digital camera

    Through the eye of my…
    Cheryl Martin and Knowle…
    I took many family, friends and holiday photos. This led me to my present interest of flowers and wildlife.
  • 2:20
    Still from The Meridian Phoenix

    The Meridian Phoenix
    Martin Rieser
    The flames of love fanned in a very unusual way.
  • 1:57
    Still from Swan Song

    Swan Song
    Phillip Walker
    One day, when I was walking along the docks, I saw what I was looking for.
  • 1:24
    Still from St Augustine’s Parade

    St Augustine’s Parade
    Liz Milner
    A look at the contrasts between the modern Parade and the lives of the 12th century Augustian monks in the abbey that it is named…
  • 3:10
    Still from Silencing the Dog

    Silencing the Dog
    Jon Wisbey
    From initial misgivings about moving to Barton Hill comes a sense of belonging and the desire to capture on film the changing face…
  • 2:30
    Still from Save R Trees

    Save R Trees
    Lorna Obunike
    A local woman’s campaign to save trees threatened by re-development plans for Barton Hill, and the personal reasons for…
  • 2:16
    Still from Roses from a Stranger

    Roses from a Stranger
    Beth Trimmer
    Dancers may look glamorous but they aren’t delicate. They pull muscles and still high-kick the Can-Can. Until one day glamour…
  • 3:34
    Still from Putting Places in Place

    Putting Places in Place
    Penny Evans
    A pick’n mix childhood memory of 13 schools and 12 moves.
  • 3:42
    Still from My Holiday Adventure

    My Holiday Adventure
    Laura Hamilton
    Remembering a close encounter with sharks on a childhood holiday in Scotland.
  • 1:17
    Still from My Graffiti Tour

    My Graffiti Tour
    Zoe Richards
    A walking tour of Graffiti in Bristol.